Setting off the largest manhunt in California history, a teenage boy flees into the redwood forests of Mendocino County only to discover that his future schizophrenic self is already out in the woods committing paranoid crimes.

Inspired by true events.
Paranoid schizophrenic Aaron Bassler is on the run - from SWAT, from the Chinese - but most of all, from himself.
As he races to escape an impending apocalypse, timelines smash together and his younger self begins to mirror his older doppelgänger as mental illness slowly fractures his mind.
Igniting a 36-Day manhunt, Aaron’s adult fugitive wages war against his younger teenage self as their bloody shared destinies merge inside the mysterious redwood forests of Mendocino County.
All usage rights to this original Screenplay retained exclusively by Matthew Sidney Long and Christopher Virnig, hereinafter "Authors." No part of this Screenplay may be modified for commercial or advertising use, nor copied or reproduced in any form without the permission of the Authors. Unauthorized use of the Screenplay, such as photographing a work for public display - email transfer, exhibition, website inclusion, etc. - and derivative works, is a direct violation of all applicable laws and immediately subject to a copyright infrigement suit. Only the Authors have exclusive rights to the copying and usage of this Screenplay.